NH.Nước ngoài Industrial Bank of Korea - Hanoi Branch tuyển dụng Teller [03.12.2014]


Industrial Bank of Korea - Hanoi Branch
Phòng 1209, Tầng 12, Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower, Khu E6, Khu đô thị Cầu Giấy, Mễ Trì, Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

Job description:

- To collect and pay cash in VND and foreign currencies.
- To open account, passbook issuing and management.
- Services implementation: SMS banking and other services.
- To implement accounting reports, statistics relating to cashiering department under the current provisions of SBV.
- To arrange, store, preserve accounting records.
- To perform other duties as requested by Head / Deputy Head, Supervisor.


- Female with age from 22 to 25
- Bachelor degree in economics, finance, banking, accounting, foreign languages (regular term).
- Understanding of cashiering operations, regulations on foreign exchange management of the bank.
- Can communicate fluently in English (TOIEC 500 or equivalent)
- Expert in Microsoft Office
- Skill in communication, time management and work independently.
- The compliance and high responsibility, good health.

Other assistance and services as required by the Management

Please Take our Application Form, we don't take any others Application forms can be downloaded in here and be received directly or via email/ courier (via email is prefered)

Interested candidates can click "Apply" below to send CVs (in English) via email:


Deadline to apply: 03/12/2014

ad cho e hỏi sao e bấm vào cái nút apply r nó hiện ra trang vietnamwork, chứ có hiện lên mail hay gì để mình nộp đâu, trang ấy link trực tiếp đến hồ sơ cá nhân của e trên vietnamwork luôn r mà vẫn k thấy chỗ nào ghi công việc để nộp cả
ad cho e hỏi sao e bấm vào cái nút apply r nó hiện ra trang vietnamwork, chứ có hiện lên mail hay gì để mình nộp đâu, trang ấy link trực tiếp đến hồ sơ cá nhân của e trên vietnamwork luôn r mà vẫn k thấy chỗ nào ghi công việc để nộp cả
co ban nao duoc goi di cai nay chua nhi. Mai la het han r ma cha thay gi, hay ho tuyen dc nguoi r
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