ShinhanBank Ngân hàng TNHH MTV Shinhan Việt Nam Thông báo Tuyển dụng Recruiment Specialist (Mass Recruiment) tại Hà Nội [17.05]

  • Bắt đầu Bắt đầu The Banker
  • Ngày bắt đầu Ngày bắt đầu

The Banker

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Super Mod

  • Communicate with Manager to ensure recruitment timely and integrate with hiring plan
  • Prepare administration and recruitment activities such as co-ordination with recruitment agencies, cv management, advertisement, shortlist CVs, contacting candidates, arranging interviews, preparing interview documents and other follow up actions until the recruitment process is completed (candidate being rejected or employed)
  • Conduct new staff induction
  • Organize database and maintain candidate inventory for HR recruitment such as CVs, interview documents
  • Other HR related tasks.
  • 2 year experience in HR field, prefer recruitment in banking and finance
  • Good interpersonal skill with good command of spoken and written English
  • Good at analysis and problem solving, communication, high spirit of team work
  • Able to multitask, teamwork, willing to adapt and learn new things
☎ Hotline hỗ trợ: (097) 5151.777

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