Finance Manager - Tinno Mobile Technology Corp - $5,000

Finance Manager - Tinno Mobile Technology Corp

Salary: $5,000 Location: Ho Chi Minh
Job Description

To sit in and work in a local joint venture company,to set up and manage accounting, finance and tax reporting procedures of the company, as well as internal control systems. To prepare and provide periodical fiancial and accounts and analysis to the management, directors and shareholders of the company.To deal with external auditors.
Job Requirements

- 8 years plus
- Should major in finance or accounting, familiar with international accounting rules,with professional qualifications, and know some major ERP systems well, such as SAP, Oracle etc.
- Excellent abilities of communication, planning,adapting, cooperation and leadership are expected.
- Accounting experiences in trading companies,and / or with China companies, and additional management experiences preferred.
- Good interpersonal skills, to continue to learn
- Report to CEO of the joint venure company, oversea CFO from the shareholder of Tinno.
- The finance and accounting team of the joint venture company.
About Tino Mobile Technology Corp

Established in June 2005, Tinno Mobile Technology Corp. (called "Tinno Mobile" or "Tinno" for short) is an innovative provider on mobile communication products and services, dedicated to the R&D, manufacture and sales of mobile terminals, and it provides the global communication product consumers with fashionable, personalized, high content and imaginative products and services.

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