Chuyên gia Scrum - DF - DXKB

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Ngân hàng TMCP Hàng hải Việt nam
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Super Mod
<div class="job_description">


							<p style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color:#c0392b;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Mô tả công việc:</strong></span></span></p>

	<li>Responsible to cultivate the Agile process and help Squad achieves more and more agility;</li>
	<li>Responsible to promote Scrum application by helping Squads / Scrum Team/ stakeholders understand and apply Scrum values, theory, rules and practices. </li>
	<li>Be the methodology guardian and coach</li>
	<li>Foster a collaborative culture, serves as a liaison between product owners and development team to ensure success; </li>
	<li>Assist the Product Owner and Squad to do their work through process facilitation, stimulating creativity and empowerment; </li>
	<li>Encourage team productivity through teaching tools and best working practices; </li>
	<li>Set-up team cadence of daily stand-ups/check-out; and other meetings of the Scrum methodology with the appropriate frequency and goals; </li>
	<li>Remove impediments to the work of the development team; </li>
	<li>Implement Scrum framework, teach and train team members on their roles; </li>
	<li>Encourage the development team to challenge, without breaching the principles of Scrum or Agile. </li>


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							<p style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color:#c0392b;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Yêu cầu công việc:</strong></span></span></p>

	<li>Minimum 2 years of relevant experience </li>
	<li>Basic knowledge of other software development methodologies </li>
	<li>Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields. Master's Degree is a plus. </li>
	<li>Professional Scrum Master certification </li>

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