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CFA Institute Career Talk - Hanoi, 2016 It has been a long time since the financial services industry was focused on deposit taking and lending. The industry has evolved substantially and now offers a variety of jobs and positions and ismore competitive than ever. As young professionals, how welldo you know the financial market, what kind of job doyou want, and—most importantly—how do you stand out in sucha competitive market? This career talk brings top executives from the banking and finance industries to share their stories—both successes and failures. What were their dreams and goals? Did they achieve them?Did they change them? How did they confront and exploit economic cycles? What new skills do recruiters want young professionals to have? Our speakers will answer all of these questions and any other careerquestions you have in mind. Attend this event to gain access to · top executives sharing their own career paths, · tips to stand out in a job hunt and land your dream job, · attractive job and internship opportunities in the financial industry, and · aspecial giftfor the audience member with the best résumé: a meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) with one of our featured speakers. [B]Featured speakers include[/B] · Ms. Nguyen Thi Vinh Ha, CFA, partner at Grant Thornton Vietnam · Mr. Nguyen ThacThang, branch manager at First Alliances · Ms. Nguyen Minh Hoa, CFA, financial advisory services manager at a Big Four firm · A portfolio manager at an asset management firm [B]This event is available in Hanoi only. Seating is limited, so please register by 13 May at 8p.m. Time: 8.30 a.m–11:00a.m, Saturday,14 May 2015 Venue:[/B]Bao Son Hotel, 50 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Hanoi [B]Fee:[/B] Free [B]Attire:[/B] Business casual [B]Language:[/B] Vietnamese [B]Register:[/B] [URL='http://goo.gl/forms/nxGPzlUdMe']Online[/URL] [B]Contact:[/B] Mr. Son To, [EMAIL]hongson1706@gmail.com[/EMAIL] [B]Important notes:[/B] Did you know recruiters spend less than 20 seconds scanning your résumés? Having a professional and eye-catching CV is of the utmost importance. Our featured speakers will share their views on some résumés. Do not hesitate to send your CVs and get help! [I](CVs should be sentto our official email:[/I][EMAIL='cfa.events.vietnam@gmail.com'][I]cfa.events.vietnam@gmail.com[/I][/EMAIL][I].We will choose three or four CVs to be shared during the talk. All personal information will be hidden.)[/I] [B]Substitution andCancellation Policy [/B] 1. Cancellation in writing must be received two days prior to the event. 2. Guest substitutions are allowed. Please notify us two days prior to the event.

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