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Tài liệu Nghiệp vụ Kiểm toán, Quản lý Rủi ro

  1. Started by U4TY,

    [B]Authors[/B]: Michael Power - ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science [B]Source[/B]: Review of International Political Economy [B]Abstract:[/B] Until the ‘Basel 2’ reforms to banking supervision, operational risk was largely a residual category for risks and uncertainties which were difficult to quantify, insure and manage in traditional ways. This paper examines the rapid emergence of operational risk from this low epistemic status to its insti- tutionalization as a key component of global banking regulation. However, the meaning and implications of the Basel proposals have been fiercely con- tested b…

  2. Started by U4TY,

    [B]Authors:[/B] Anghelache, Gabriela Victoria1 [email]anghelache@cnvmr.ro[/email] Olteanu, Ana Cornelia1 [email]olteanu.anna@gmail.com[/email] [B]Source:[/B] Theoretical & Applied Economics; Nov2009, Vol. 16 Issue 11, p51-56, 6p, 1 Graph [B]Abstract:[/B] In many cases operational risks tend to be underestimated, considering that the losses they cause are generally minor can't threatening the survival of a bank. Losses resulting from these events come from a complex interaction between organizational factors, personal and market that do not fit into a simple classification scheme. Observing what happened in the past we can say that operationa…

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  3. Started by U4TY,

    [B]Authors:[/B] KHASHMAN, ADNAN [B]Source:[/B] International Journal of Neural Systems; Aug2009, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p285-294, 10p, 1 Diagram, 6 Charts, 2 Graphs [B]Abstract:[/B] Credit scoring is one of the key analytical techniques in credit risk evaluation which has been an active research area in financial risk management. This paper presents a credit risk evaluation system that uses a neural network model based on the back propagation learning algorithm. We train and implement the neural network to decide whether to approve or reject a credit application, using seven learning schemes and real world credit applications from the Australian credit approval dat…

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  4. [B]Authors: [/B] 1. Evan Gatev - Boston College 2. Til Schuermann - Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Wharton Financial Institutions Center 3. Philip E. Strahan - Boston College, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, and National Bureau of Economic Research [B]Abstract[/B]: [B]Liquidity risk in banking has been attributed to transactions deposits and their potential to spark runs or panics. We show instead that transactions deposits help banks hedge liquidity risk from unused loan commitments. Bank stock-return volatility increases with unused commitments, but only for banks with low levels of transactions deposits. This deposit- lending hedge becomes more pow…

  5. [B]Operational[/B] [B]risk[/B] management is acutely related to the management of people. This paper gives a systematic overview of the important incentive conflicts in managing and reporting [B]operational[/B] [B]risk[/B] to achieve internal as well as external [B]risk[/B] transparency. Approaches from outside stakeholders and insurance companies are assessed and taken as inspiration for handling firms' internal obstacles. The paper focuses on firms' [B]risk[/B] management, organisational architecture and possible incentive schemes to improve internal reporting. Monetary and non-monetary motivational aspects, sanctions and the level of monitoring linke…

  6. [B]Abstract:[/B] Using operational risk loss-data is paying off. It can now be demonstrated that the operational risk in processing transactions is containable Clear governance, systematic data reconciliation and quality assurance are key elements to establishing the foundations for operational risk managers to earn their seat at the decisionmaking table in a modern financial organisation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] [QUOTE]Copyright of Journal of Securities Operations & Custody is the property of Henry Stewart Publications LLP and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permi…

  7. [B]Abstract:[/B] In this paper, we study the models for calculating [B]credit[/B] [B]risk[/B] and operational [B]risk[/B] as a comparative review of determination among its models, features and applications according to international standards of regulation of financial markets. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of International Business & Economics Research Journal is the property of Clute Institute and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No war…